Live events supported by £750m Government-backed insurance scheme
The Government has unveiled details of a scheme that will allow companies to purchase cover for enforced cancellation of live events due to changes in Covid restrictions.
View full details of government guidance here.
2.4 Business Meetings and Events
Permitted venues, including exhibition and conference centres, can hire out function and event spaces for essential work, education and training purposes, where these events cannot reasonably be conducted remotely. However, venues cannot not host conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, private dining events or banquets.
The legal gathering limits do not apply to essential work, education or training events. Attendees are not limited to gathering in groups of up to 6 people or 2 households.
Business meeting/event show-rounds, viewings and site visits for the purpose of viewing the venue for a future booking can take place at venues which are permitted to open at each step of the roadmap, or where a relevant exemption applies. From Step 2, this will include conference centres and exhibition halls, including conference centres located within hotels. Viewings of other venues can only take place from Step 3 – no earlier than 17 May.
Catering can be provided at meetings and events for essential work, education and training purposes. This does not extend to activities that are not strictly related to the essential work, education or training, such as private dining or social purposes with work colleagues.
Essential events must not contain social elements such as receptions, and hospitality areas remain subject to restrictions.
The Government has unveiled details of a scheme that will allow companies to purchase cover for enforced cancellation of live events due to changes in Covid restrictions.
Last updated, 6th May 2021
Chancery House, 53-64 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1QS
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