Live events supported by £750m Government-backed insurance scheme
The Government has unveiled details of a scheme that will allow companies to purchase cover for enforced cancellation of live events due to changes in Covid restrictions.
A discretionary fund has been set up to accommodate certain small businesses in England previously outside the scope of the business grant funds scheme
This additional fund is aimed at small businesses with ongoing fixed property-related costs. Local authorities are being asked to prioritise businesses in shared spaces, regular market traders, small charity properties that would meet the criteria for Small Business Rates Relief, and bed and breakfasts that pay council tax rather than business rates.
Businesses must be small, under 50 employees, and they must also be able to demonstrate that they have seen a significant drop of income due to Coronavirus restriction measures. Local authorities may choose to make payments to other businesses based on local economic need.
The maximum grant will be £25,000. There will also be grants of £10,000. Local authorities will have discretion to make payments of any amount under £10,000. It will be for councils to adapt this approach to local circumstances
The Government has unveiled details of a scheme that will allow companies to purchase cover for enforced cancellation of live events due to changes in Covid restrictions.
Last updated, 6th May 2021
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