Industry News, Public Affairs

New consumer subscription law: what businesses need to know

PPA members are invited to attend a webinar on 26 March (4-5pm) organised by Lewis Silkin.

Following the imminent consumer law revolution, join Lewis Silkin as they take a deeper dive into the proposed new rules for subscription contracts under the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill.

As the Bill enters its final phase, this is an opportunity to find out more about the latest developments and to consider some of the practical questions for businesses tasked with implementing changes.

Areas covered include:

  • What is ‘key pre-contract information’ – and where do you put it?
  • When should reminder notices be sent – and what should they say?
  • What does “easy exit” cancellation look like?
  • What will the consumer have to pay if they cancel?
  • What are the consequences of getting it wrong?
  • Will there be a transition period to give businesses time to adapt?

To register your place, click here.

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