Live events supported by £750m Government-backed insurance scheme
The Government has unveiled details of a scheme that will allow companies to purchase cover for enforced cancellation of live events due to changes in Covid restrictions.
As the news trade adapts to the current lockdown, the industry charity NewstrAid, highlights the wide range of services on offer to anyone with a news trade connection facing hardship, including those in work.
Sinead Flood, Welfare Manager for NewstrAid said; “We are already starting to receive some calls and emails from people in need due to the coronavirus pandemic, but it is really important that everyone is aware of the help and support we can offer to industry colleagues during these difficult times. Services include:
· State Benefit Advice – For those who (a) are not well enough to work (b) are currently under furlough, (c) the self-employed and (c) those that do not qualify for any of the corona related schemes and need to apply for Universal Credit. Ask our team for an assessment and guidance on how to maximise household income. oldben@newstraid.org.uk
· Anxiety Support Service – For those who are feeling overwhelmed and are worried about their mental health. Our services provide access to a Freephone Helpline available to you and your dependents. Free phone number 0800 138 6552, Further information is available on our website: www.newstraid.org.uk/anxiety-helpline/
· Debt Advice – Free professional debt advice is available to anyone with a news trade connection via our partnership with the Debt Advice Foundation. If you require advice on debt or need to talk to someone in confidence about your options, there’s no need to wait or book an appointment, this free debt advisory service is open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm on NewstrAid’s dedicated helpline number 0800 987 56 85. Further information available on our website: www.newstraid.org.uk/welfare/debt-advice/
Signposting and Information Services – we can advise on a range of family and welfare issues and signpost to specialist organisations where necessary. This includes guidance for people working from home and those who are looking after the vulnerable and dependent children.
Full details of all the help and support available from NewstrAid can be found on their website www.newstraid.org.uk
The Government has unveiled details of a scheme that will allow companies to purchase cover for enforced cancellation of live events due to changes in Covid restrictions.
Last updated, 6th May 2021
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