Commercial resources, Digital

B2B Pricing Strategy

In the current economic climate, pricing is becoming even more crucial to business operations today.

The PPA has partnered with Simon-Kucher & Partners to help members get expert guidance on developing the right pricing strategy to create business impact.

As the world has become more uncertain, businesses are increasingly looking to high quality data and analysis to try and make sense of it. But increasingly complex product suites, new delivery channels and increasingly sophisticated users mean monetising it effectively is more challenging than ever.

Watch this webinar with David Smith and Greg Harwood from Simon-Kucher who shared insights based on their experience into the following topics:

  • Why pricing matters
  • How to approach pricing given the current inflationary climate
  • The fundaments of subscription pricing in B2B spanning packaging, price model and price level
  • Real life project case studies including lessons learned plus tips and tricks

This content is for PPA members only.
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